A few more bits! BOOTIES! My pride and joy! I love these! you can order them from me at my etsy shop www.alouk.etsy.com, yummy yummy yummy!
And one of my favourite scarves, Summer to Winter, which I have given to a friend named Annie.
A few more, the Caramel and the Snow Queen, and another little random one. The Snow Queen and the Caramel feature some wool that my grandad pulled out of the back of a cupboard for me, it is so fine and soft it is incredible! The Caramel is now with Sara Sister, the Snow Queen eagerly awaits her new home!
Well well, throughout a pause in blogging I went felt crazy, here are some of my most recent felted bits and pieces! I was part of the ODD + EVEN Makers Market that was held on the 20th of December in Salamanca, so I felted every day for a week straight getting things ready! Geepers I was happy when market day came and I could just sit in a chair for hours, I was so sore! a number of these sold, and some were given as gifts to friends and family. I hope everyone had a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!