Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Re- inspire yourself.

After a bit of a drought on the felting front, I re-inspired myself with some amazing alpaca that I bought at an Australia Alpaca Day celebration- which was pretty funny in itself! So I made this special scarfe, I really wanted to play with a different way of finishing the edges of the scarfe so I made little holes and loops, which ended up working a lot better than expected if I may say so! It was lovely being back at the felting board! But I haven't been again for a couple of weeks- I have too much homework! But it is winter so it is felting season, I'm gearing up for a good one! The second scarfe I have here is one of the first I ever made, I just realised I haven't ever put it up! I made it for my partner but it was too girly for him apparently so when I saw my cousin wearing a lovely knitted dress and a top that matched the blue perfectly, around her neck it went! Here she is with it.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Explorations with 3D wet felting!

This was fun! I read instructions for making childrens' booties with wet felt, and then decided to go a bit further with the concept and make some random things ...tea cosies...robin hood explorer hats...little dollies, purses, melodica was great! I really like making my big shawls though as I can create images and feelings and relate more of myself with them, but these were a fun diversion for a while- I will certainly make more booties and I want to make some handbags with the method too!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Eggs! Eggs!Eggs!

It was easter time and I was on my teaching Prac, so I made eggs for all my students! I had some lovely friends help add the beads the night before..thank you! The eggs were different than I expected but good! The students really liked them too!